Esplora’s Christmas Chemis-tree Competition
Did you know that 2019 was designated by UNESCO as the International Year of the Periodic table? And with Christmas fast approaching, comes the opportunity to use Christmas trees as the perfect learning tool. What better way to explore the chemical elements of the periodic table than to design and build your very own chemistry themed Christmas tree?
Theme: Periodic Table
Brief: Design and make a Christmas tree inspired by the periodic table to decorate your classroom.
Categories: Each class can submit only one entry from one of the below categories;
- Category 1: Make a Chemis-tree using upcycled materials; reuse any Paper/Cardboard/Plastic/Metal materials to build your tree. Make sure to include an element of Periodic Table science in your creation.
- Category 2: Add chemistry/periodic table inspired decorations to your classroom Christmas Tree. Feel free to get creative and make decorations using fun science experiments.
- Category 3: Build a Chemis-tree using equipment that scientists use during their experiments. Make use of anything you can find in your school’s science lab that can add some Christmas spirit to your classroom. (you can use traditional decorations to decorate it or be creative and make your own!)
Submissions: Participating teachers need to send their submission by email to by Wednesday 11th December 2019.
The email needs to include:
- A photo of the chemis-tree (a video may also accompany the photo)
- A sentence or two to describe what inspired you
- Your School Name
- Your Class Name & Year Group
Judging: Submissions will be judged 50% by Esplora staff members and 50% online voting by general public during the Christmas Period.
Extra points will be given for groups that think outside the box!
- 1st Prize: There will be one submission chosen from each category. The three winning classes will receive a free Planetarium Experience at Esplora, to be redeemed between January 2020 and June 2020. The Planetarium Experience includes access to the Planetarium Exhibits + Planetarium Live Show or Film
- 2nd Prize: There will be one submission chosen from each category. The three classes who place second will receive a class gift from Esplora’s Gadget Shop.
- Each participating class will receive a participation certificate from Esplora Interactive Science Centre to hang in their class.
For more information please do not hesitate to contact us on