Student Benefits

Explore Science with Exclusive Student Benefits!

At ESPLORA, we are dedicated to nurturing curiosity and making the wonders of science and exploration accessible to everyone. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce a special student entrance rate. Whether you’re a passionate science enthusiast, an inquisitive learner or someone seeking inspiration, we invite you to join us at ESPLORA, and dive into the captivating world of science and discovery.

Student Entrance Ticket Details:

For just €6, students can enjoy access to ESPLORA’s main exhibition halls and over 200 interactive exhibits, and also experience hands-on workshops and entertaining science shows. However, that’s not all! As a student visitor, you’ll also enjoy the following exclusive perks:


Terms and Conditions:

Join us at ESPLORA and let your curiosity flourish, as you embark on a journey of scientific exploration.

For more information about our student entrance ticket offer or any other inquiries, please feel free to contact our friendly, visitor-services team at


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