“2015 is going to be a busy year” is what the team here started with saying on return from the Christmas break…. indeed we blinked and January has flown past!
The Esplora content team have been thoroughly engaged in the final design and development phase of the exhibitions that will make Esplora unique in Malta. This is the last chance to ensure we really end up with a place that defines our core values and creates a space for our audiences to….
Explore: Science investigations are fun, relevant, interactive and engaging
Think: Science is exciting, dynamic and an on-going process for discovering how the world around us works
Imagine: Science can spark curiosity, creativity and innovation
January has seen exhibit fabricators coming to Malta for workshops. The content team members have visited the design studios abroad as we approach the final build of exhibits. Some prototyping has started and seeing these happen is very exciting.
The Historic Cot Lift exhibition has been given a name Life at Bighi. The Outdoor Science Exhibitions activity water tanks, the adventure playground and a playscape for the Under 8’s have been drawn up and approved for build. The Main Exhibition Building will include a Hot Air Balloon, a Light Island, Fog Tornado, The Vortex amongst other iconic and bespoke exhibits. Nothing is being overlooked, the colours, materials and interpretation design are all in the mix.
The tempo of our work is being set by the tune of the building works ongoing at the Esplora construction site.