Early morning excitement and calm

This morning’s activities began a little earlier than usual on the San Salvatore Peninsula which is rapidly becoming known better as Esplora.
The steady stream of workers began trickling in as dawn was breaking as per any usual day here, numerous skilled employees all working towards the completion of this building for opening later this year. Alongside the early starters this morning was a camera crew with a super high tech drone and camera. The team including the Esplora PR, Marketing and Health and Safety officers walked down to the seaside and spent an hour or so chasing the best angles with the sun emerging from behind the grand buildings that make up Esplora.

It has been a huge advantage having such a unique landmark site to restore and re-purpose into Malta’s Interactive Science Centre. Esplora will be the only Science Centre which offers visitors a multitude of hands-on science experiences in the Southern Mediterranean Basin. The team were buzzing with excitement whilst looking at the beautiful shots which the drone was gracefully capturing, shots which will then be produced into a new television spot to inform the public more about the project, which is being developed for all to enjoy and experience.

The Grand Harbour is a majestic natural harbour that has always left an impression on those who visit, this morning the mood was as calm as the lone boatman gently steering his vessel out into the open water through the breakwater.

Drone filming

Looking at Ipad

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