Esplora reopens its doors and launches its new Trails

Press Release

Issued by the Malta Council for Science and Technology

Tuesday 9th June, 2020


Esplora reopens its doors and launches its new Trails

An experience spread across 22,000m2  and overlooking the Grand Harbour, Malta’s National Science Centre reopens its doors for the much-awaited Scientastic Edition.

Esplora has taken all the necessary precautions to ensure it  can safely continue to offer fun yet educational experiences to the young and young at heart. In accordance with  Public Health and the WHO guidelines, only online tickets are available so as not to avoid jeopardising the Health and Safety of employees and visitors alike due to uncontrolled crowding. All members of staff have been given all the training relevant to the present circumstances by Public Health Officials, including an epidemiologist, who remarked  that Esplora  has exceeded expectations in this respect.

Esplora’s content developers and science communicators have designed 3 fantastic trails for the public. Visitors (6+ year-olds) can pre-book an Earth and Beyond 4-hour facilitated experience where they will get more familiar with our planet and the Universe through better understanding of various green and eco-friendly measures or opt for the Music for the Senses 4-hour facilitated experience where visitors can explore ideas such as ‘how sound travels’, ‘play with different light and shadows’, ‘discover how illusions can trick our brains’ and walk through a piano corridor.

On the other hand, the younger explorers (3-5-year-olds) can immerse themselves in the Little Esploras 4-hour experience where they will surely have ample opportunities to satisfy their curiosity and creativity.

Furthermore, the centre will also provide the opportunity for visitors to opt for a digital version of the EsploraCafe’ menu on their smartphones using a QR Code, as well as the possible use of Styluses for visitor-interaction with exhibit screens. These are only some of the measures taken to facilitate an enjoyable and safe experience. Dr. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Executive Chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology, said that “I am pleased to say that Esplora was fully prepared to reopen it’s doors immediately when given the go-ahead to do so by our local Health Authorities. This involved intensive preparatory work by all our team members.”

For more information visit  and in order to learn about our health and safety measures go to  To pre-book, access If you would like to speak to a member of our staff, feel free to call on 2360 2300.


bubbles-show-reopening adult-and-child-interacting-with-outdoor-exhibit esplora-reopening

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