FameLab Competition


What is FameLab?

FameLab is a global communications competition that calls for scientists, mathematicians, and engineers. It gives an opportunity to science enthusiasts to share their knowledge and engage the public in the most effective ways. In simply 3 minutes, each participant presents a concept on any topic of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, a great opportunity to showcase a research in STEM. They will be judged by a professional panel of judges made up of local researchers, media personalities, and journalists on content, clarity, and charisma.

Covid-19 adaptations

Since we are currently living in extraordinary times, FameLab has gone virtual and is still celebrating science communication in an online format. All stages of the competition will be carried out virtually (live or recorded) starting with auditions up to the international final. Those participants who are interested in the competition but are hesitant to participate due to the current situation, are assured that the competition is carried out in a safe way to ensure everyone’s safety.


The rules for FameLab are few but are very fundamental:


Participants need to be:


To audition for the competition, participants are to send a 3-minute video of themselves giving a presentation on any STEM topic or research. Those who pass from the audition-phase will be moving on to ta science communication masterclass. The video audition is to be sent to famelabmalta@esplora.org.mt

Are you interested in participating in the FameLab competition? Would you like to know more about it? Click here to read an interview with a past Maltese winner of this competition.


Participants who make it through the application phase will participate in a professional masterclass lead by a professional science communicator from the UK. This is made up of a series of science communication workshops and training for the final. This masterclass will be further preparing the finalists in presentation skills, creativity, and above all communicating science effectively. The masterclass will be held fully online.


Who is FameLab for?

Students, researchers, lecturers, and people who applyany form of STEAM subject in their job or everyday life, are encouraged to participate. FameLab is an excellent platform to voice your knowledge and getting yourself out there!
Unfortunately, people working in media, performers, artists, or science centre staff are not allowed to participate.

Check out some FameLab videos on the YouTube channel

Apply for FameLab by registering here

Competition Timeline

 *exact dates to be launched later on


Follow us on our Facebook page to get the latest updates facebook.com/FameLabMalta

or Twitter #famelabMalta

Visit the British Council Website for further information.


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