Four Grantees announced for the first STEM Community Fund 2021

Esplora Interactive Science Centre has announced the results of its first edition of the STEM Community Fund 2021, where STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Four STEM Community Projects have been recognized with a grant to support their STEM research and communication projects with a total of €24,000. The winners, which were selected after evaluation by an expert panel, are:

Equal by Nature by the Malta Chamber of Scientists. This project aims to use genetics to build bridges between peoples of different nationalities. A community of migrants will be exposed to the fundamentals of genetics in a series of workshops. These workshops will help break down genetics in an engaging and interactive manner. Second phase workshops will focus on developing an art installation, through working closely with scientists and artists, for the Science in the City Festival. The idea is to create a long banner that will represent unity while celebrating diversity.

Establishing Ecological Corridors for Fauna Species by BirdLife Malta. This project aims to shed light on the movements and habits of two common fauna species: the Mediterranean Chameleon and the Vagrant Hedgehog of which little is still known. A process of regular tracking will be possible thanks to very small lightweight tags placed on the animals. Information on a number of factors such as their preferred habitats and threats, their preferred periods of activity and their feeding foraging grounds will be collected. Since such data can give valuable tips, what follows will ensure that a fitting habitat can be designed for the benefit of the iconic species in mention.

Malta Code 4 Earth by the Secretariat for Catholic Education. The project aims to engage the students with the science inquiry model while accompanying this approach with the use of purchased kits. The environment is the focal point of this project, as it is a system that can be harmed. As a result of their engagement, understanding acquired through these distinct classroom lessons and the kits in mention, the students will proceed to develop related projects which are aimed to reflect this awareness.

Get in Motion to Save the Ocean (GMSO) by St Monica School. This project aims to implement measures that will act as a contribution to the circular economy. A reduction in the use of single use plastic (SUP), national afforestation efforts, a greater awareness about the proliferation of microplastics along Maltese coastal areas and the promulgation of citizen science practices are goals targeted by this project.

The STEM Community Fund is a scheme aimed at bridging the gap between science and society via community-based STEM-related projects.

It is one of the initiatives of the STEM Engagement Working Group chaired by Esplora (Malta Council for Science and Technology). The Working Group includes representatives from the Ministry of Education, the University of Malta, MCAST, Jobsplus and

For more information, kindly contact the STEM Engagement Team at Esplora on


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