Grandma got S.T.E.A.M.

Dates: 9th November to 9th December 2018
Venue: Spot A, Spazju Kreattiv, St James Kavalier, Valletta

Grandma Got Steam Logo

Grandma got STEAM is an intergenerational project that brings together a group of young people from Youth Ink – Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and women with families and successful careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. Curated by Esplora and Spazju Kreattiv, participants worked with Giuliana Fenech (storyteller), Julian Mallia a.k.a Julinu (Illustrator) and Dragana Rankovic (photographer) to develop a pack of illustrated storytelling cards that features characters and plots drawn from the life and work experiences of the women. The pack, which functions as a storytelling tool and may be used by anyone with an interest in story and community, is available here.

In Grandma got STEAM, five mentors – women with families and careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths – joined ten young people in a series of storytelling workshops. Throughout, they shared their journeys in life and work, discussing the opportunities they were given and the obstacles that they faced. What emerged is a rich tapestry of emotions, memories, hopes and dreams captured in the storytelling pack with settings, characters and plots that are drawn from real life.

Grandma Got Steam Event Poster


The first part of the project consisted of the Storytelling Workshops conducted with the Grandmas and Youths. Followed by work made to develop the storytelling world and the design of the storytelling card pack. To share the storytelling card resource with the community Train the Trainer sessions where conducted with Youth Workers from Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, Programme Developers from Esplora. It was also conducted with the Care Workers from 10 different care homes who will use this resource within their communities.

Join us in celebrating the achievements of these youth and grandmas in an exhibition at Spazju Kreattiv from the 9th of November until the 9th of December 2018.

Grandma Got Steam Hero

This project was financed through il-Premju tal-President għall-Kreattività an arts fund with a strong social and community emphasis. Il-Premju tal-President għall-Kreattività is coordinated by Arts Council Malta under the Patronage of Her Excellency, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, President of Malta.


Grandma Got Steam Booklet
Grandma Got Steam Cards


Gradma Got S.T.E.A.M.
Launched on Friday 9th November in the presence of H.E. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, President of Malta

A result of an intergenerational project between youths from Youth.Inc- Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and 5 successful grandmas from S.T.E.A.M careers!

Participants in collaboration with:
📸 Photography, Dragana Rankovic
🎨 Illustration, Julian Mallia a.k.a Julinu
✍️ Storytelling, Giuliana Fenech – Lignin Stories

Launch Event Photo Credit: Elisa Von Brockdorff 📸

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