

Welcome to RAISE, the project that aims to Raise Awareness and Interest in STEAM Employment.

Project Number: 2017-1-MT01-KA202-026978
The project is Co-funded by Erasmus+ programme of the European Union


Project Duration:

37 Months: 20/11/2017 till 17/12/2020


Project Beneficiary:


Project Partners:


Project Rationale:

The STEAM field is one of the main agents of change in the 21st century. Efforts need to be made to create more awareness and interest in STEAM employment. The RAISE project is a step towards achieving this goal across several European Union Countries. The European Commission is currently working towards reducing the skills mismatch being observed around Europe. Policies are being drafted to address these skill shortages and surplus due to changes in the employment sector which require Europe’s population to develop new skills. Through the project, we will be able to provide information on the qualifications and soft skills required by employees for particular STEAM careers, with VET education being given a priority. By doing so, we would be empowering individuals whilst ensuring that everyone has equal access to knowledge about opportunities in the job market not only in their home country but in a total of 5 European countries.

A New Skills Agenda for Europe (2016) states that by raising awareness on Vocational Educational employment, more people would make vocational education as their primary choice (European Commission, 2016, p. 3). Surveys (Rosa, Pisa & Timss) show that 13 to 15 year olds in developed countries do not believe that science is important for their careers (inGenious, 2014) and very few aspire to become scientists (ASPIRES, 2013). Furthermore, most students and families are not aware of what science can lead to in terms of careers (ASPIRES, 2013). The technological application produced in this project will provide guidance and counseling on VET careers in Europe, with the primary focus being placed on the partner countries, and would help to motivate users to take up a career in STEAM.

A number of open education resources will be developed throughout the duration of the project which will be available for educators and science communicators to download and use with their respective students and visitors. Career Cafés and Career Days will be organised to encourage dynamic, two-way interactions between students and professionals working in the field. Training will also be provided to partner organisations who will hold sessions with educators from partner countries to build a network of STEAM Ambassadors who will all work towards achieving the objectives of the project.


What are the objectives of the project?
1. To develop an app to raise interest and increase awareness in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM) employment.
2. To make Vocational Education and Training (VET) careers a priority within the STEAM field.
3. To support inclusive education by making VET career information more accessible to put an emphasis on vocation applied learning.
4. To de-stereotype stereotypes in STEAM professions and shift gender perceptions in relation to STEAM careers.
5. To provide career guidance in STEAM careers and labour market information so that people can make well-informed decisions.
6. To provide guidance on the skill-sets required for STEAM careers to bridge the skills gap.
7. To raise importance on work-based learning in skills acquisition.
8. To inspire students to take up STEAM subjects through interaction with STEAM professionals, exhibits and science communication events.
9. To increase the science capital of families and as a result, the likelihood of children taking up STEAM careers.
10. To help tackle the issue of Early School Leavers by offering VET as an alternative education and career pathway.


Project Results:

Throughout the RAISE project a variety of intellectual outputs were developed during these past years with the constant collaboration of all six partner organisations. The most innovative output is the development of the ‘RAISE Careers’ application which can be downloaded for free via the Android Play Store. This app is innovative as it guides the user which STEAM careers would be more compatible with their character and choice of subjects. This App was developed by MCAST and its content can be found in 5 languages (Maltese, English, Italian, German, French and Slovenian).  The technological application produced in this project provides guidance and counseling on VET careers in Europe, with the primary focus being placed on the partner countries and would help to motivate users to take up a career in STEAM.

Apart from this application, an educational resource pack entitled “De-Stereotyping Stereotypes Resource Pack” was developed with the collaboration of all partners. The resource pack is divided in two main sections. The first section includes a range of STEM professionals profiles from Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Scotland and Slovenia. The profiles provide information on who these individuals are, not just as STEM professionals, but as relatable human beings. This information can be used by career guidance teachers, homeschoolers, and educators to inspire kids, to makes STEM subjects more attainable, to humanise science and to tackle stereotypes. The second part of the resource pack includes a range of activities which focus on de-stereotyping stereotypes. The target age of the activities varies from 4 – 18 years old. Some of the activity plans include links to more detailed documents or to printable resources.  Apart from this pack, with the input from Glasgow Science Centre, a book entitled “Robyn and the Robin” was created targeted for children between 6 to 8 years.

The technological application produced in this project provides guidance and counselling on VET careers in Europe, with the primary focus being placed on the partner countries and would help to motivate users to take up a career in STEAM.


All these resources can be accessed for free by accessing the link below.



Check out the RAISE Erasmus+ Project Concluding Webinar here

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