Start Your Engines Challenge

Start Your Engines!
Build a rubber band powered car

Your egg driver is ready to race! But the driver needs your help to build a car. Can you help out? Unleash your creativity and challenge your friends or family! Who will win the race?

Take a look at Esplora’s video for inspiration and then check the instructions below!


These are the resources used in the video. You are free to use any other resources which you can find around the house.

We encourage you to work as a family on this challenge, especially since adult assistance is needed when using tools such as scissors, drillers and hot glue guns.

Step 1: Design
Design your car. Keep in mind that the car is going to be powered by rubber bands. When rubber bands are stretched, they store elastic potential energy. When released, this is transformed into Kinetic Energy (motion), which makes the car move forward.

For this to be possible, all you need is a simple machine with wheels and an axle. These rubber bands can be connected from the front to the rear axle. And the wheels need to be able to turn freely.

Step 2: Create

Step 3: Test

Step 4: Race

What kind of car did you build?

Share your photos and videos on your social media platforms and tag us @esploramalta


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