STEM Community Fund 2023 – Project Reports

Beat the Wheat

Who was the awardee?

What came out of the project?

  What did they do?

Challenges and triumphs

What next?

Legacy and resources

Expo 2024

Grow Your Own

Who was the awardee?

What came out of the project?

What did they do?

Challenges and triumphs

 In the students’ own words:

What next?

Legacy and resources

Deep Water Culture hydroponics set-up built by the students

D.I.C.E. – Design, Innovate & Connect Efficiently

Who was the awardee?

What came out of the project?

What did they do?

Challenges and triumphs

What next?

Legacy and resources

Year 3-6 Workshop

Bombs to Batoids

Who was the awardee?

What came out of the project?

What did they do?

Challenges and triumphs

Twenty years ago, the marine life here seemed sparse. This dive is a revelation – the underwater world is thriving! – A citizen scientist diver

What next?

Legacy and resources

A ray spotted near Filfla.
CREDIT: Micallef


Who was the awardee?

What came out of the project?

What did they do?

Challenges and triumphs

What next?

Legacy and resources

Students recording a podcast about things they learned

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