The Next Generation Hip Implant – 7th March 2020

MaltaHip was developed by a team of researchers at the University of Malta in collaboration with MCL Components and funded through the Fusion Programme of the Malta Council for Science and Technology. The main objectives of the Fusion programme are: to raise the level and profile of locally funded research; to ingrain research and innovation at the heart of the Maltese economy; to spur knowledge-driven and value-added growth and to sustain improvements in the quality of life.

Obesity, trauma and prolonged life expectancy are among the factors that increase the demand for hip joint replacements. The first made in Malta total hip joint replacement, the MaltaHip, is based on the principle that although ankle joints carry higher stresses than knee and hip joints, they suffer from less arthritis. The researchers explored the idea of a radical prosthesis design that mimics the unidirectional motion of the ankle whilst maintaining the anatomical degrees of freedom of the hip. Using the knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics and biomaterials, the team managed to develop a novel hip joint prosthesis with a radical new design. The MaltaHip prototypes were machined locally to the highest machining standards and then tested in an accredited implant testing laboratory in German. The final results have demonstrated outstanding wear resistance due to its novel design, as compared to conventional hip prosthesis with the same materials and tested under the same conditions.

The MaltaHip Dissemination Event will be held on Saturday 7th March 2020 at Esplora Interactive Science Centre.


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