Up-skilling in Science Communication

Welcome to the Key Action 1 Project entitled “Up-Skilling in Science Communication”. This project forms part of the VET Staff Mobility financed by Erasmus+ funds with a total grant of €31,520.

The project started in August 2018 and will run for eighteen months. It is a collaboration between The Malta Council for Science and Technology and Glasgow Science Centre in Scotland and Heureka, the Finnish Science Centre. Sixteen different Esplora staff members, from different sections, had the opportunity to attend job-shadowing experiences; two opportunities in Finland and one in Glasgow. This project was aimed at modernising and internationalising Esplora’s mission – that of instilling a culture of scientific curiosity and creativity within the STEAM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics). It is strategically designed to respond to clearly identified staff development needs through appropriate selection, preparation and follow-up measures; and ensures that the learning outcomes of participating staff are properly recognised, disseminated and widely used within the organisation. Through these job-shadowing experiences, Esplora aims to up-skill its employees in the field of science communication. Through sharing of experiences and best practices with two of the best European Science Centres, Esplora aims to better reach the following strategic values: a) Connecting with Visitors, b) Science Education, c) Scientific Hub for the Community, d) Science Communication, e) Sustainability and f) Esplora Culture.

Project Number: 2017-1-MT01-KA202-026978
The project duration is 18 months, starting from August 2018 till January 2020

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