Esplora was designed from its start to house a number of endemic and indigenous plants that have grown on this island since before man. Over the past few months, we added new species of plants that are endemic or sub-endemic to add to the biodiversity that our soil patches can sustain. Together with Birdlife we […]
Although this event has been specifically planned with the current situation in mind to allow for proper social distancing and create a safety environment for our visitors and our team, we regret to inform you that the Esplora Under the stars Event has been cancelled. This has not been an easy decision to make, but […]
Problemi ta’ saħħa mentali jistgħu jolqtu kemm lill-persuni adulti kif ukoll lit-tfal. Il-benesseri mentali fit-tfal hi importanti daqs is-saħħa fiżika għalhekk il-ġenituri għandhom jieħdu l-passi kollha neċessarji biex jagħrfu s-sintomi mill-ewwel ħalli jilqgħu l-problema fil-bidu tagħha. Dwar dan is-suġġett tant importanti se jittella’ webinar fuq il-paġna ta’ Facebook tal-Esplora @esploramalta nhar l-Erbgħa, 29 ta’ […]
Toi Toi – Manoel Theatre’s education programme – has created a wide range of theatre productions with the aim to inspire audiences of all ages with performing arts specifically music, dance and drama. Three of these productions, for children aged 4+ or 5+, are going to be held at Esplora Interactive Science Centre this August. […]
Do you love to explore, design and create? Then engineering is just the thing for you! We often hear about engineers and we imagine them as being people who build things- but they’re more than that – they’re inventors, designers and forward thinkers. It’s also true that science and mathematics are the building blocks for […]
Malta is an island surrounded by sea, but because of our steep cliffs some parts of the sea are difficult to reach from land. We do have a number of very beautiful beaches frequently visited by locals and tourists alike. These beaches can be rocky or sandy but they both offer beautiful places where we […]
Press Release Issued by the Malta Council for Science and Technology 1st July, 2020 New Normality at Esplora Whilst safeguarding Public Health and Safety, the Science Centre is once again at the forefront in providing a space where the wonders of science comes across. “As a council, having already implemented all necessary measures for Esplora to open […]
Charismatic, intelligent, a gifted talker and above all – much taller than all of us! Can you guess who is visiting Esplora on Sunday 5th July? You are in luck because Zed, Esplora’s very own robot has decided to visit the Interactive Science Centre and have a meet and greet with all the kids (and […]
The World in Colours – Science through Art Activity 1: Create your Own! Celebrate your child’s creativity and invite them to draw their own unique animal. Children are naturally born artists and inventors so encourage them to draw from their imagination. To help them along ask them: What type of animal are you drawing? Is […]