Cook with Ġina Part II

Did you try the recipe that Ġina and Katrina prepared for us last week. Would you like to try another one? Check the ingredients below.


Salted Ice cream




  1. Mix the milk, fresh cream, sugar and vanilla in the small plastic bag. Seal the bag.
  2. Add the ice and salt in the large plastic bag. Use a tablespoon to mix well
  3. Place the small bag inside the large plastic bag. Check that the small bag is surrounded with the ice.
  4. Seal the large bag and shake it for about 10 minutes (Please be aware as the large bag can be very cold. Ask an adult for help)
  5. Open the 2 bags and try the ice cream in the small bag. If the mixture is still very soft, close both bags and shake again.


Would you like to experiment further? Try out different types of ice cream by mixing different ingredients (like cocoa, pieces of chocolate or fruit) with the milk and cream.


For more information about Ġina u l-Esploraturi, kindly read here


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