Create 3D Art

The first anaglyph images were created in the 1800s. Anaglyph art consists of a picture with two slightly offset and identical superimposed drawings in contrasting colours, usually red and cyan. This creates a three-dimensional effect when viewed through glasses with matching colour filters. This is one of the oldest forms of 3D image technology.


Transform your drawings into 3d Art! Then make a pair of 3D glasses to make them pop!


What you need:

If you do not already own a pair of 3D glasses, you can make a pair from cardstock paper, with one red lens and one blue/cyan lens. The lenses can be cut from the coloured plastic covers used to cover school exercise books.


Get creative!


  1. First, test out the different red and blue coloured pencils to find the colours which match the colour of your lenses. How?
  1. Choose what you want to draw. Draw its outline on a blank sheet of paper. (Drawing 1)
  1. Go over the lines of Drawing 1 using a red colour.
  1. Place a sheet of tracing paper on top of Drawing 1 and copy the drawing. (Drawing 2)
  1. Now move the tracing paper 2mm to the right. Use masking tape to hold it in place.
  1. Use your pencil to trace over Drawing 2. This should leave an indentation mark next to Drawing 1. (Drawing 3)
  1. Go over the indentation marks of Drawing 3 using a blue colour.
  1. Look through your 3D glasses to see your drawing pop!


Hint: If your neighbourhood stationery has in stock, you can also use red and blue carbon paper (karta saħħara) to create an exact copy of your drawing more easily.


Share your art with us on social media #esploramalta


For more information about Ġina u l-Esploraturi read here


Click here if you would like to download a PDF version with instructions for this activity


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