Esplora wara l-Iskola

A fun way to enjoy Esplora is during a relaxed visit after school. Start your weekend with us – discover science after-hours and experience Science Shows and Planetarium Films. The Interactive Science Centre will now be open every Friday evening from 2pm till 8pm and kids below the age of 15 years, will come in for FREE!


Science Shows

Weatherology: Discover the natural wonders of Earth’s climate in Weatherology. Experience the largest indoor cloud you’ve ever seen and explore questions such as ‘why does it rain?’ and ‘how do different types of tornadoes form?’

Ideal for Ages: 7+

Superhero in You: Join us on a journey of discovery to find out all about different superpowers. Help us identify strong shapes, get up and close to things which are far away or very tiny. Learn about how animals are very good at being invisible and try out the ultimate superpower of moving objects with your brain. Superhero Science is a fun, playful science show using scientific concepts that will dazzle and amaze our young audiences.

Ideal for Ages: 3-6 years


Planetarium Films

(On offer on Fridays during the month of June)

Perfect Little Planet: Discover what you may find on other planets in our solar system as a family from another star system seeks a vacation location in our solar system.

Ideal for Ages: 3-6 years


Cosmix: Have you ever wondered how the astronauts do their job?  After watching Cosmix show it will be absolutely clear to you!  But hold tight, it will be a crazy ride.

Ideal for Ages: 6-13 (as per target audience)



For the week schedule kindly access:


Malta Wildlife Exhibition

During the month of June, at Esplora, we will be displaying a collection of native species through the lens of local entomology enthusiast, Thomas Cassar. Through these posters, one can appreciate the beauty of our local flora and fauna, but also learn more about indigenous species found here in Malta.

Ideal for All Ages


Kids Meals at EsploraCafè

We know that with all the exploring there is around our science centre, children get hungry! At EsploraCafè we have created a special menu packed with different eating options just for the little ones to enjoy!

And that’s not all as with every meal, kids are given a creative mat with Esplora branded crayons, so that they can enjoy some time drawing and having fun.



Challenge a young science enthusiast’s imagination! Take Science Home with you by visiting the EsploraShop and checking the vast range of items on offer. On these special Fridays will be giving a 7% discount on all purchases.


Covid-19 Measures

We would also like to remind you that we’re currently taking care of all Covid-19 safety measures according to the mitigations of the Public Health Authorities. For more information about our Covid-19 Measures and Protocol, visit:


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