Ġina u l-Esploraturi

 In 2021, Esplora Interactive Science Centre has embarked on a new adventure with the first season of Ġina u l-Esploraturi and last year we successfully shared with you the second season! Ġina u l-Esploraturi is a programme aimed for children which was aired on TVM.

We’ve all asked questions about the world and the various mysteries of nature. By incorporating some amazing science experiments, do it at home experiments, easy to follow explanations, humour and silliness, Ġina u l-Esploraturi hoped to excite children in Malta and Gozo about science whilst encouraging them to questioning everything around them.

Curious Ġina went on a journey to answer questions about the world. In her wonderful and exciting adventure, Ġina was helped by the Esploraturi who through experiments, demonstrations, fun STEAM activities, storytelling and problem-solving, they helped her answer her questions.

Together with Ġina, children feed their curiousity whilst learning about science in the kitchen, the weather, arts & science, design thinking and much more. Ġina and her Esploraturi friends embraced challenges in ways that allow viewers to mimic the process. When things did not go as intended, the Esploraturi rethought and re-explored what they have created, and emphasised that failed experiments helped scientists explore and learn more.


Season 2 Episodes – Synopses

Episode 1

Science in the Kitchen Part I: Did you meet Katrina? Katrina is a new Esploratur and Ġina was really excited to meet her. Maybe because Katrina loves food and Ġina loves eating? Join us for the first episode of the second season of Ġina u l-Esploraturi, where Katrina will help us better understand the science of cooking.

If you would like to try an activity with Katrina and Ġina read here

If you would like to watch this episode click here


Episode 2

Science in the Kitchen Part II: Did you get hungry during the first episode? Have you been cooking anything special lately? Katrina and Ġina are going to spice things up. Continue following the second part of Science in the Kitchen and learn more about the science of cooking. Who knows? Maybe they will make some dessert this time!

If you would like to try an activity with Katrina and Ġina read here

If you would like to watch this episode click here


Episode 3

The Weather Part I: How can we know how much rain has fallen? Or how we can measure cold and heat? Ġina and Des will explore science and the weather and everything that makes our world so phenomenal! Are you going to follow this episode with us?

If you would like to try an activity with Des and Ġina read here

If you would like to watch this episode click here here


Episode 4

The Weather Part II: Sun, rains and thunderstorms of all types, with Des and Ġina you will not know waht to find! Find out more about different phenomena that take place in our world during this episode of Ġina u l-Esploraturi. What do you think we’re going to explore today?

If you would like to try an activity with Des and Ġina read here

If you would like to watch this episode click here


Episode 5

Art & Science Part I: Do you remember Sarah? Ġina met her this week! Sarah loves to merge art with science. What do you think she will create this time? Join Ġina and find out how to mix science and arts to create something beautiful and creative.

If you would like to watch this episode click here


Episode 6

Art & Science Part II: Ġina and Sarah are going to continue exploring how we can use art and science together. What is a Scribble Bot? How are they going to design a circuit? Join Ġina and find out how you can create a postcard with a difference.

If you would like to watch this episode click here


Episode 7

Design Thinking Part I: Do you know what engineers do? Join Ġina and Katrina to find out how much their work is needed. From bridges to flyovers, to cars and planes. Katrina has created a recycling machine. Watch this episode and find out how she manages to create it with a little help from Ġina.

If you would like to watch this episode click here


Episode 8

Design Thinking Part II: Ġina has a problem this week and together with the Esploraturi, she will transform into an engineer to try and understand her problem and come up with an idea that could help her. Do you think they will be able to find a solution together? Follow today’s programm to find out more about how you can think like an engineer.

If you would like to try an activity with Katrina and Ġina read here

If you would like to watch this episode click here


Episode 9

Movies Part I: Whilst watching an animated movie, have you ever been curious about what inspired them to make the movie? Join us for this first episode with a movie theme. Go on a journey in the past with Ġina and Riona and see them as they explore how some toys inspired the film industry and because of them, they produced animations of all kinds.

If you would like to try an activity with Riona and Ġina read here

If you would like to watch this episode click here


Episode 10

Movies Part II: Have you ever been curious about how animated movies are made? Join us for this episode and explore how you can create stop motion animation and find out what the job of creating visual effects involves.

If you would like to try an activity with Riona and Ġina read here

If you would like to watch this episode click here


Episode 11

Our Body Part I: Have you met Sarah? Not that Sarah, another one! Ġina was curious about how our body works and how it can do so many amazing things! Sarah was happy to show her. Starting from the beginning, the DNA inside our tiny cells, how these cells make up our organs and how organs come together to form our body systems. Join us for this episode to explore how our body works.

If you would like to watch this episode click here


Episode 12

Our Body Part II: Ġina and Sarah go on an adventure into our body to help Ġina understand how our body defends us. Together they will help our macrophages, B cells and T cells fight off viruses and keep our body safe. Join us to learn how your immune system keeps your body healthy!

If you would like to watch this episode click here


Episode 13

Technology Part I: This week Ryan and Ġina discuss a favourite topic: technology. Follow Ġina as she explores those technological discoveries that influenced our lives. Have you ever wondered how past inventions have led us to the advanced technology that we use today in computers and robots?

If you would like to try an activity with Ryan and Ġina read here

If you would like to watch this episode click here


Episode 14

Technology Part II: Ġina and Ryan are seeking to understand how various inventions have managed to change the way we live, think and even work. In the previous episode we learned about the progress made by the primitive man during the Stone Age and explored technological discoveries that led to a world operated with electricity. Ryan, l-Esploratur, will explain to Ġina how from the first electric powered crafts we advanced to more innovative computers and robots. Who knows what new technology we would have in the future? Do you think that robots would be able to execute things we never expected?

If you would like to watch this episode click here


Episode 15

Chemical Reactions Part I: Did you know that chemistry is all around us and that thousands of reactions are taking place all around us every day? Join Ġina as she meets David, one of the new Esploraturi, to discover the differences between physical and chemical reactions.

If you would like to try an activity with David and Ġina read here

If you would like to watch this episode click here


Episode 16

Chemical Reactions Part II: Are you excited to watch Ġina and David perform more fun chemistry experiments? Join us as we explore what happens when metals chemically react, discover what acids and alkalis are, and how we can tell them apart by using indicators that change colour!

If you would like to try an activity with David and Ġina read here

If you would like to watch this episode click here



Season 1 Episodes

You can also watch all the Episodes of Season One here:

Why can’t we see the moon during the day?

The science behind Fireworks

How is sound created?

How do rainbows form?

All about Cloud Formations

Why are all the leaves different?

How can we use solar energy?

What keeps planes in the air?

What keeps ships afloat?

The food and our Digestive System

Science or Magic?

How can I become a Scientist?





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