New Film at the EsploraPlanetarium!

Magic Globe is a new film that will be launched at the EsploraPlanetarium in the coming days. This delightful animated story has been chosen and is being launched in collaboration with the Ministry for Inclusion, Social Wellbeing and Voluntary Organisations as well as the Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD) and is aimed to be relatable and engaging for all, including people with intellectual disabilities.

Ideal for children between the ages of 5 and 12 years, the film focuses on Mia, who spends summer at her grandfather’s house. Here, she starts learning how Earth moves around the Sun and how this creates the different seasons. Her fun adventure is interrupted by her uncle, who tricks her into using a machine that changes the seasons, something that could have created terrible consequences for the world’s ecosystems. Magic Globe aims to educate and help the children learn science through a fun adventure.

This is the first time that a film at the EsploraPlanetarium was specially chosen with the help of a committee brought together by members of the CRPD, with the main aim to be agreeable for people with intellectual disabilities. This was possible through an MOU between Esplora and the Ministry for Inclusion, Social Wellbeing and Voluntary Organisations that was signed last year.

The MOU included discounts on Entry Tickets to Esplora for Disability Card Holders and their carers as well as the possibility to create various new initiatives at Esplora for people with disabilities. One of these initiatives was this collaboration with CRPD, who were asked to create a committee, in order to select a new film for the EsploraPlanetarium.

The criteria on which Magic Globe was picked by this committee, as the favourite film from the 5 shortlisted movies, was the following: the film is an animation and it is also an adventure, one of the characters is a dog and the ‘evil’ character repents for what he did. The Grandfather was also a much-loved character by the members of this committee.

When asked the reason why children should come to see this new film, Mr. Clayton Cutajar, Director of Esplora Interactive Science Centre said, “This film is an example of how science concepts are being presented in a relevant way thanks to the art of storytelling and a multisensory experience. This is an excellent way of how education and entertainment can be intertwined to create an experience for all.”

Mr Cutajar thanked the Executive Chairman for the Malta Council for Science and Technology, Dr Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, the CRDP, the Ministry for Equality, Research and Innovation and the Ministry for Inclusion, Social Wellbeing and Voluntary Organisations for their input and support in this matter. He also stressed the fact that since its opening, Esplora has been embracing diversity in all its forms. He said, “This is part of our core ideology and ethos; and in all areas, we try to lead by example. There is always scope for improvement in such a vast field and that is why feedback is always welcome and appreciated.”

Magic Globe is an adventure that sparks curiosity, intrigue and encourages inquiry. But it is also a lovely colourful story full of fun. Check the Week Schedule for showtimes of this film!

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