Ready, Set CODE!

Ready, Set CODE! is the theme of October and this coincides with the European Code Week, during which Esplora eagerly participates each year. EU Code Week is an initiative that aims to bring coding and digital literacy to everyone in a fun and engaging way.


Coding may be perceived as being a difficult topic however with the right guidance, anyone – from kids to adults alike – will be able to create even the most basic of programmes. Besides, learning to code at a very young age would help any kid pave his/her way in various industries – and what’s more, coding is so much fun to learn as well!


So join us at Esplora any time during the month of October and partake in the various coding-related activities below.


Coding Workshops

From coding shapes with Sphero’s Heroes (Ages: 7+) to finding the treasure in Bee-A Coder (Ages: 3-7)… kids will enjoy these fantastic activities that we have in store for them this month! Download the Sphero Edu App from here:


Science Shows

Pump Up the Volume (Ages: 6+): Sounds are everywhere. This show is all about making sounds with your body and exploring different instruments. Hear, see and feel the vibrations that are being produced every day!


Beautiful Bubbles (Ages: 3-7): Find out what bubbles are made of and how bubbles are formed. This interactive show features bubbles of all sizes, going up, this way, that way and all over the place. It has been created with the Little Explorers in mind, that is why its way too much fun!


Digital Science Quest

Challenges and Themed Quests… Digital Science Quest is back! In order for children to participate in this fun activity, bring along a digital device which could be a tablet or a mobile phone. Help them choose their favourite quest from the following themes: Pirate Captain Academy, A Gamer’s Got to Game, Unicorns: In Search of a New Home, A Vlogger’s Quest, Shipwreck Quest and Planetarium Quest.


Once chosen, you can scan a code and a set of questions will pop on your device. You will have to complete challenges to advance from one section to another and finish the quest.



Apart from all the activities mentioned above, we can gladly announce that in October, the Planetarium shows will be up and running not only in the weekends but every day.


And lastly – word on the street is that Zed will make an appearance sometime during this month – so keep an eye on our Facebook page @esploramalta for more details 😊


For the schedule kindly access:



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