Sensory Friendly Hours

Dive into a world of science exploration during our Sensory Friendly Hours at the Esplora Interactive Science Centre! We understand that bright lights and loud sounds can be overwhelming for some, so we’re thrilled to offer a serene atmosphere during these special hours.

Discover our Sensory Bag, equipped with sand timers, fidget toys, visual aids, sunglasses and ear defenders, available anytime to enhance your visit’s comfort. Our team is trained and will always be available to support parents and caregivers if ever needed. Navigate with our tailored map highlighting quiet spots and light-sensitive areas.

Please be aware that, for everyone’s safety, we have a fire alarm system in place. In the unlikely event that the alarm goes off, there will unavoidably be a loud noise. Though we prioritise safety with our fire alarm system, remember that our team will guide you to a secure location in case of any alarms.

During our Sensory Friendly Hours, you will have the opportunity to engage in relevant workshops, science shows and also experience the Planetarium. As champions of inclusivity, we proudly support the Sunflower Scheme, offering lanyards for use at affiliated locations.

Join us for our upcoming Sensory Friendly Hours: 

Sunday, 29th September 2024, between 9am and 1pm – If you would like to join us, kindly fill in this form.

Saturday, 26th October 2024, between 9am and 1pm.

Sunday, 24th November 2024, between 9am and 1pm.

Saturday, 21st December 2024, between 9am and 1pm.

Admission Information:

Disability Card and Esplora Concession Card Holders: €3 (includes one complimentary accompanying adult. Additional guests pay regular admission fee).

Planetarium and Universe Exhibition: €2 (includes one complimentary accompanying adult. Additional guests pay regular admission fee).

Learn more about the Esplora Concession Card at

For a sneak peak of your adventure, check out our Social Story at

You can also book our Multisensory Room for free of charge sessions. For more information please click on this link:

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