Date: Wednesday 29 January 2025Time: 11:15 AMVenue: Esplora Interactive Science Centre, Kalkara Esplora is proud to host the closing seminar of the PALEOSIM research project, a groundbreaking study on the impacts of climate change on arthropod habitats in small islands, with a focus on the Mediterranean region. Join us on Wednesday, 29 January 2025 at 11:15 AM, […]
Esplora is thrilled to have been awarded a Special Mention by the Society4Med Award organised by BlueMissionMed. Esplora’s project on marine plastic pollution Island Guardians: For a Plastic Free Med, funded by the Remedies Consortium, was “recognized for its holistic approach, combining beach cleanups with well-structured educational programmes, including toolkits, books, and an art exhibition” in the […]
Esplora is thrilled to announce the launch of its new 3D Printing Exhibit which forms part of the Innovative Technologies Gallery. This exhibit is a testament to Esplora’s commitment to integrating cutting-edge technologies into its educational programs. The partnership with Invent 3D Ltd has enabled the installation of Prusa Mini printers in the Innovation Gallery […]
We are thrilled to announce that Esplora Interactive Science Centre has once again been awarded the prestigious Quality Assured Seal by the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA). This accolade is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence across various aspects of the visitor experience. Comprehensive Evaluation for Excellence Receiving this seal is not an easy […]
Having recently received the National Audit Office’s award for ‘best practice’ governance of public funds, Science Malta is in the news again for the success achieved by its Interactive Science Centre Esplora in Kalkara. Esplora was recently awarded the Travellers’ Choice Award Winner 2024 certificate by, the world’s largest travel platform that has over […]
Esplora’s project on marine plastic pollution, Island Guardians: For A Plastic-Free Med, is moving forward! Visit the project website to find out more about the educational resources, story books and videos being developed. Also, after a successful clean-up of Bugibba Bay in conjunction with the NGO Zibel, a second clean-up will be held on […]
Esplora is proud to announce its participation in the 2nd edition of the Public Service EXPO which will be held within the MFCC at Ta’ Qali, between the 15th and the 19th of May 2024. A visit to the EXPO will provide you with an insight into how public administration functions and the work which […]
Time flies! In fact, May 1st, 2024, will mark the twenty-year anniversary since the Maltese islands joined the European Union. Esplora, Malta’s unique interactive science centre, has been hand-picked by the Ministry for European Funds, Equality, Reforms and Social Dialogue as one of the prominent sites which will be participating in the National 1st May […]
Esplora Interactive Science Centre is delighted to announce the successful outcome of an application it submitted for a project grant under the REMEDIES Open Call 2023! The project, Island Guardians – For a Plastic-Free Med which is spearheaded by Esplora, falls within the scope of the European Commission’s Mission for Oceans and Water. Island Guardians […]
Easter at Esplora with the ‘Spring into Science’ Event. Esplora, the Interactive Science Centre will be celebrating Easter with an event called “Spring into Science”. Details of the event were announced by Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Research and Innovation Keith Azzopardi Tanti and Head of Esplora Olaf McKay, during a press-conference held at Esplora. The […]
On the 18th of March, a brand new and technology-rich exhibition related to the maritime sector, was inaugurated at Esplora in Kalkara. During the press conference, the Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Research, and Innovation, Hon. Keith Azzopardi Tanti, together with Prof. Alan Deidun from the Department of Geosciences at the University of Malta, inaugurated this […]
This year, during the Christmas period, Esplora, Interactive Science Centre, will be opening its doors every evening for a unique experience to be enjoyed by the whole family. The Esplora Christmas Wonderland programme will be bringing together the spirit of Christmas with the exciting world of Science and Technology, in a unique way that only […]
Għat-tmien sena konsekuttiva, iċ-Ċentru Interattiv għax-Xjenza Esplora nieda programm edukattiv ġdid għall-iskejjel. Permezz ta’ dan il-programm mimli attivitajiet, u l-metodi ta’ tagħlim li Esplora jħaddan, se tkompli titqanqal il-passjoni lejn is-suġġetti tax-Xjenza, it-Teknoloġija, l-Inġinerija, l-Arti u l-Matematika (STEAM). Il-programm edukattiv għall-iskejjel jinkludi diversi opportunitajiet imħallta ta’ tagħlim, permezz ta’ attivitajiet ta’ Xjenza, workshops prattiċi kif […]
During a press conference held at Esplora today, the recipients of the National STEM Community Fund 2023 were announced. The Press Conference was addressed by Hon. Keith Azzopardi Tanti, Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Research and Innovation, Dr. Tonio Portughese, Chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology and Mr. Olaf McKay, Senior Director of […]
During the Global Ecsite Conference, MCST and COSI signed an MOU called the Science Accords, which enable collaboration between COSI, Esplora Science Center, and MCST to engage, inspire, and transform lives and communities in STEAM throughout Malta During the global Ecsite conference which brought together science leaders and museums from around the world, MCST and […]
Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums, has drawn more than 900 science communicators from 50 countries to its Conference. It is open to all professionals who engage audiences in science and technology, whether working in science centres, museums, research bodies, festivals, universities or companies. The Conference is hosted by Esplora Interactive Science […]
Around 1,000 science activists from about 50 countries are meeting in Malta for the international conference ECSITE, the European network of science centres and museums. Read this Press Release from here: STQARRIJA MILL-MINISTERU GĦALL-EDUKAZZJONI, L-ISPORT, IŻ-ŻGĦAŻAGĦ, IR-RIĊERKA U L-INNOVAZZJONI Madwar 1,000 attivist fix-xjenza ltaqgħu għall-Konferenza ECSITE 2023 f’Malta (
Esplora Interactive Science Centre will be closed for the public from Saturday 10th June until Sunday 18th June 2023 as we will be proudly hosting the 2023 Ecsite Conference. The conference is the most prominent meeting of science engagement professionals in Europe and promises to bring together over 800 science professionals from all over the […]
During a press conference, Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Research and Innovation Keith Azzopardi Tanti announced the launch of the Second Edition of the National STEM Awards. The National STEM Awards aim to acknowledge and honour the far-reaching contribution made by individuals and organisations in Malta through engaging and inspiring others to collaboratively prioritise Science, Technology, […]
Today we were happy to welcome HRH Princess Dr Nisreen El-Hashemite, Executive Director, RASIT, Prof. Elie Elzouki, Director of Sustainable Development and Communications, RASIT and Prof. Celine Merheb, Director of International Relations and Projects Incubator at Esplora Interactive Science Centre. The delegation was led by Senior Director Esplora, Mr Olaf McKay and other members of […]
‘Southern Dreams’, an artistic exhibition by artist Paul Cassar, was launched earlier this month at Esplora Interactive Science Centre in Kalkara. The exhibition was inaugurated by MCST Chairman Dr Tonio Portughese. Esplora collaborated with local artist Mr Paul Cassar because it believes in the importance of STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics – […]
The second edition of the National STEM Community Fund has been launched, which will enable eligible organisations to carry out community-based STEM-related projects within the community. Organisations who engage with a researcher or STEM professional for such projects can receive up to a maximum of €8,000 per project. To read this Press Release kindly click […]
Through an independent exercise carried out by the Quality of Service Directorate, within the Office of the Prime Minister, it was positively noted that the services offered by Esplora Interactive Science Centre in 2022 were deemed as ‘excellent’. The Science Centre received an overall score of 89.2% and all areas covered by the comprehensive exercise […]
Do you have any stories or memories to share about the Royal Naval Hospital, Bighi? An artistic project is shining a light on the former Royal Naval Hospital (RNH) Bighi, in Kalkara, and throughout the months of October and November is inviting the community members to contribute to the research phase. RNH Bighi through Communities’ […]
We have launched our school Education Programme for year 2022-2023. To read more, click on this link.
The Kenup Foundation (, EDU and the Malta Council for Science and Technology ( organized a press conference at Esplora on the 14th of April 2022, during which an update was given about their joint ‘Ukrainian Families Adoption’ initiative. The Kalkara offices housing Kenup and EDU staff have been transformed into a residence for ten […]
Magic Globe is a new film that will be launched at the EsploraPlanetarium in the coming days. This delightful animated story has been chosen and is being launched in collaboration with the Ministry for Inclusion, Social Wellbeing and Voluntary Organisations as well as the Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD) and is […]
Esplora Interactive Science Centre has announced the results of its first edition of the STEM Community Fund 2021, where STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Four STEM Community Projects have been recognized with a grant to support their STEM research and communication projects with a total of €24,000. The winners, which were selected […]
Esplora Interactive Science Centre, in collaboration with Lignin Stories, Spazju Kreattiv, and the University of Malta, hosted a half-day seminar on Creativity and Sustainable Development Goals, at the EsploraPlanetarium Hall, on Tuesday 16th November 2021. The results of the Erasmus+ project entitled ‘Embracing the Sustainable Development Goals through Creative Arts’, were disseminated during this seminar. […]
The GLOBE Observer App for citizens to collect data from trees to help scientists compare and validate the data collected from satellites was launched at Esplora Interactive Science Centre, Kalkara, Malta, on Wednesday 6th October. The Globe Observer App was launched as part of an initiative, between Esplora under the Ministry for Equality, Research and […]
In a bid to narrow the gap between science and the community, Esplora Interactive Science Centre is exploring and looking into ways and means for researchers to engage in a dialogue with local communities and raise awareness of the relevance of science to society. Esplora drives this by being chair of the National ‘STEM Engagement […]
Minister for Equality, Research and Innovation Owen Bonnici and Minister for Education Justyne Caruana held a press conference at the Esplora Interactive Science Centre to launch the Esplora Education Programme for the scholastic year 2021-2022. The school education programme will include several blended learning opportunities, both on site at Esplora as well as online. Amongst […]
Following the announcement of the new COVID-19 guidelines for schools by the Superintendent for Public Health, Esplora would like to kindly remind educators that ‘Free Transport’ to and from Esplora shall once again be offered to all State Schools throughout the upcoming scholastic year. The Science Centre provides an educational and essential visit which adds value to science learning. […]
Investiment ta’ €2.5 miljun għar-restawr tax-xatt tal-Esplora fil-Kalkara Il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela inawgura servizz ġdid ta’ trasport bil-baħar mill-Port il-Kbir għall-Esplora bħala parti minn proġett sħiħ ta’ restawr tax-xatt fil-Kalkara qrib iċ-Ċentru Interattiv għax-Xjenzi, li sar b’investiment ta’ €2.5 miljun minn fondi nazzjonali. Waqt l-inawgurazzjoni, il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela fisser dan il-proġett bħala wieħed li […]
During a live-streamed National Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Awards Ceremony held at Villa Bighi on July 9th, ten winners from nine different categories were announced in the first edition of the awards organised by the Malta Council for Science and Technology. These awards have the aim of promoting STEM subjects and celebrate the […]
Over 130 persons have been nominated for the National Science Technology Engineering and Maths Awards, and a board of independent experts have made the necessary evaluations according to the established criteria in each of the ten categories being awarded. In his address for the occasion, Minister for Equality, Research and Innovation Owen Bonnici praised the […]
Minister for Research, Innovation and the Co-ordination of Post COVID-19 Strategy Owen Bonnici attended the inauguration of an exhibition taking place at Esplora, which aims to educate our future generation to become more conscious about the environment, and the effect we can have on it, through creative and innovative ways that are more engaging for […]
In response to the growing demand of educational institutions, entities and business organizations for people to communicate and engage with audiences in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) and the Institute for Education (IfE) have come together to set up a Masters course in STEM […]
Three Maltese young people who have completed The Duke of Edinburgh International Award planted a commemorative tree at Esplora Science Centre to mark Her Majesty the Queen’s birthday. Organised jointly by Esplora, the Malta Council for Science and Technology and The British High Commission, the event also served the purpose of commemorating the life and […]
We were proud to host the Press Event for the launch of Project Maleth at the EsploraPlanetarium Building on Saturday 15th May and also to be able to support this project. The Government of Malta announced the first scientific programme—Project Maleth—to be sent to the International Space Station. With great anticipation, this will usher Maltese science into […]
An agreement between the Malta Council for Science and Technology and the Ministry for Inclusion and Quality of Life will be instrumental for people with disabilities to benefit from the various learning and entertainment experiences offered by Esplora Interactive Science Centre in Kalkara. Some 21,000 people with an EU Disability Card will be able to […]
Esplora has temporarily closed its doors to the public and our resources will be focused on creating and providing new and engaging activities through the media and online. This will ensure that we continue to fulfil our primary mission – striving to increase the take-up of STEM subjects by our younger generations.
Esplora tniedi l-ewwel edizzjoni tal-Premji Nazzjonali għax-Xjenza, t-Teknoloġija, l-Inġinerija u l-Matematika (National STEM Awards) Esplora, iċ-Ċentru Interattiv tax-Xjenza se jkun qed jospita l-ewwel edizzjoni tal-Premji Nazzjonali STEM din is-sena. L-aqwa professjonisti f’Malta se jiġu ppremjati, rikonoxxuti u onorati għall-kontribut li taw fil-qasam tagħhom tax-Xjenza, it-Teknoloġija, I-Inġinerija u l-Matematika (STEM) u […]
The Malta Council for Science and Technology appreciates the work carried out by each and every employee engaged in the health sector during these times. All of these employees will be benefitting from free entrance to Esplora during the coming months, in a staggered way. This will facilitate COVID-19 preventive measures and avoid overcrowding. We […]
Press Release issued jointly by The Malta Council for Science and Technology and Mater Dei Hospital 14th September, 2020 Esplora rewards Mater Dei Hospital Frontliners Esplora, in collaboration with Mater Dei Hospital, wanted to express its gratitude to healthcare workers who have been working on the frontline against the COVID-19 virus. The Science […]
Press Release Issued by the Malta Council for Science and Technology 1st July, 2020 New Normality at Esplora Whilst safeguarding Public Health and Safety, the Science Centre is once again at the forefront in providing a space where the wonders of science comes across. “As a council, having already implemented all necessary measures for Esplora to open […]
Press Release Issued by the Malta Council for Science and Technology Tuesday 9th June, 2020 Esplora reopens its doors and launches its new Trails An experience spread across 22,000m2 and overlooking the Grand Harbour, Malta’s National Science Centre reopens its doors for the much-awaited Scientastic Edition. Esplora has taken all the necessary precautions to […]
Esplora Interactive Science Centre*, Kalkara and the Malta National Aquarium, Saint Paul’s Bay, have teamed up to bring science closer to your home through Facebook. Ever since the pandemic outbreak hit our island both centres have worked in their own ways to continue their Science Communication endeavours. Esplora’s science communicators and the Aquarium aquarists will […]
17th March 2020 Esplora’s team members have worked on videos, graphics and animations aimed at disseminating fun content online through Facebook, Instagram and Youtube whilst school kids are stuck at home. The Executive Chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology, Dr Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, said that “due to the current situation we had […]
Thursday 12th March, 2020 After discussions held between the Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services and Digital Economy Clayton Bartolo and the Executive Chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology Dr. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, it was decided that Esplora Interactive Science Centre will shut its doors temporarily with immediate effect until further notice.
Did you know that 2019 was designated by UNESCO as the International Year of the Periodic table? And with Christmas fast approaching, comes the opportunity to use Christmas trees as the perfect learning tool. What better way to explore the chemical elements of the periodic table than to design and build your very own chemistry […]
The Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE) in collaboration with Esplora Interactive Science Centre launched a scheme in which State Schools booking a visit to Esplora will have their transport funded by MEDE. This scheme, which will kick off as from January 2020, will be in line with Esplora’s mission to make Science, Technology, Engineering […]
Get a chance to form part of the Sir John Liddell Esplora Pipe Band. Weekly Saturday Bagpipe sessions at Esplora Interactive Science Centre. Ages: 8 – 24 years Apply now by following this link: All applicants will be called in for an informal interview. The chosen candidates will start their weekly sessions in December.This […]
Don’t forget to send your expression of interest to participate in the National STEM Career Expo taking place at Esplora in January 2020 by Thursday 31 October! Would you like to participate? Do you employ operators, technicians or professionals in the STEM field (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)? Would you like to participate in the […]
Esplora will be at Science in the City this Friday. Make sure to drop by our stand at Triton Square! There will be hands-on activities. You can learn through play and discover what’s inside the human body by using a body apron, take a closer look at what organs look like under a microscope and […]
Esplora had the privilege of hosting the audition week for X Factor Malta Season 2. During the past few days we heard the voices of so many of the participants as they practiced whilst they awaited their turn, the massive amount of talent that we could hear from these Maltese hopefuls made us so proud […]
Traffic is being diverted from Monday 15th July to Sunday 21st July inclusive. Marina street will be closed for the Kalkara Feast from the roundabouts at Archbishop square to the top of Marina Street. A temporary bus stop will be erected at Archbishop square. The bus will still stop at the Marina street roundabout. Come […]
Esplora was recently awarded the Malta Tourism Authority Quality Assured Seal!
A friendly reminder for all our visitors 😊 🗓 Friday 7th June – Sette Giugno ✨ Opening hours from 10:00am until 18:00pm The schedule for the day is as follows: 11:00 Scottie Go (Workshop) 12:00 The Magnificent Balloons Show (Science Show) 13:00 Scottie Go (Workshop) 14:00 Sounds Amazing (Science Show) 15:00 The Magnificent Balloons Show […]
“We speak out against discrimination, celebrate the diversity of our global community and strengthen our commitment to the full inclusion and participation of people with autism” – Secretary General António Guterres #LightItUpBlue 💙 🌐 United Nations – 2019 World Autism Awareness Day observance 🌐 Join the World Autism Month
What were the most important Science News Stories of 2018? Here you go: The most important Science News Stories of 2018
World Cancer Day 🧡 The time to act is NOW – YOU are the hero of this story! Whoever you are, you have the power to reduce the impact of cancer for yourself, the people you love and for the world. #IAmAndIWill #WorldCancerDay For more information , please visit: World Cancer Day ’19 Infographic
Discussing the Science behind bee and honey making, in collaboration with Greenhouse Malta
Esplora Interactive Science Centre and the HSBC Water Programme – Catch the Drop Campaign have teamed up to offer a unique opportunity for a team of students to design a game suitable for use on a touch screen to be installed within a permanent exhibit at Esplora within the Ecolife exhibition. The Ecolife exhibition raises […]
What is Dementia? What is a Dementia-friendly environment? How can we communicate better with someone living with dementia? At Esplora we strive to find the right answers to the above questions and implement them! Today we move a step further as our staff receives training on Dementia from the Department of Active Ageing and Community […]
Event days: Saturday 13th October and Sunday 14th October 2018 Time: 10am – 6pm Tickets can be purchased at the door. Celebrate World Space Week 2018 with our space-themed programme of activities. Fly through our solar system in our planetarium, build a satellite, launch a rocket up in space, make telescope observations and meet Maltese […]
Would you like to find out more about creating your very own Arduino project? Applications for Esplora’s Arduino Summer Club are now open! Arduino is a system of microchips that can be controlled using computer programming. If you are 14-16 years old and want to spend some time discovering how coding can have real-life uses, Esplora’s very own Arduino Summer Club can be just what you’re looking for!
Press Release Issued by the Malta Council for Science and Technology 7th December 2017 International Call for Artist in Residence. Esplora Interactive Science Centre. Science through Storytelling The Valletta 2018 Foundation together with Esplora Interactive Science Centre, is inviting artists to apply for an immersive Artist-in-Residence (AiR) experience. The Residency Programme aims to communicate science […]
John Hinton, the man behind the first performance at the Esplora Interactive Science Centre, Albert Einstein: Relativitively Speaking is back! A song about science for every letter of the alphabet. Expect atoms, Big Bangs, cells, DNA and plenty more besides. Expect the unexpected. And expect it to rhyme. Funded by Arts Council England and the […]
Esplora and Tangram Theatre Company John Hinton, is back at Esplora Venue: Esplora Date: 24th March Time: 8.00pm Tickets: 10 Euro including wine and nibbles Booking line: 2540 1999 A song about science for every letter of the alphabet. Expect atoms, Big Bangs, cells, DNA and plenty more besides. Expect the unexpected. And expect it […]
Esplora will be hosting a special one-time-only set of workshops related to Science and the Arts. The project is a collaboration between the 2017 Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU, an Austrian Centre for Electronic Arts ARS Electronica and Esplora. Heads of Departments are encouraged to bring the information below to the attention […]
Great ideas don’t sit—they splash. Breakthroughs shake the foundation of society and compel us to rethink our established practices. But revolutions rarely arrive as fully formed waves of innovation. Rather, they start as small ripples of curiosity that grow, evolve, collide, surprise and multiple as they spread around the world. This year at TEDxCERN we […]
Esplora is proud to be presenting its first event at the Esplora Activity Centre. ALBERT EINSTEIN : RELATIVITIVELY SPEAKING is a brilliantly inventive hour of physical theatre, songs, science and the wurst sausage jokes ever – complete with the sure fire hip hop hit, the ‘E=MC² rap’. See you at ESPLORA on the 24th and 25th November 2015 […]
MONDAY 2ND MARCH 2015 10.00AM Invitation to an Esplora Project Open House specifically for people who live and/or work in Kalkara.
Provision for the design, supply and installation of signage for Esplora Science Centre using environmentally sound methods and materials. Interested tenderers are to submit a proposal clearly marked as ‘MCST 59/2015 – Tender for the design, supply and installation of signage for Esplora Science Centre using environmentally sound methods and materials’. Tenders are to be submitted via […]
In 2014, the Malta Council for Science and technology (MCST) had commissioned a research to be carried out among the general public with the objective of gauging the perceptions and attitudes towards science and science-related initiatives, and provide an insight into science communication at local and national levels. The results obtained will kick-start a consultative […]
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KCA London, leaders in the field of understanding the science + art of creating and operating enriching and engaging visitor experiences, talk about Esplora. Read article
Colourspace Theatre to be used in the Planetarium Click here to read article