One of our most popular exhibits is for sure the Projection Globe!

As soon as you enter the Earth exhibition, one of the exhibits that will grab your attention is the projection globe. Here you can access varying information on a spherical globe. The information ranges from the history of the earth to the different planets in our solar system.

Through hi-tech projections, you are provided with a unique opportunity to select which information to access by placing your hands at the correct position on the ring surrounding the sphere. The selection of information available consists of:
1. Plate Tectonics: You can see how the different continents on Earth have shifted over 540 million years.
2. Water levels: You can raise and lower oceanic water levels on Earth to see which areas will flood first if global warming continues.
3. Seasons: You will be able to witness the changes our planet goes through during the four seasons.
4. Earthquakes: This feature projects the locations where earthquakes occurred over the past several thousand years
5. Volcanoes: You can see the locations where volcanoes occurred over the past several thousand years
6. Other Planets: This gives you the opportunity to look at the surface of the various planets and moons in our solar system.

Get to know interesting facts about the Earth and our Solar System whilst visiting Esplora. The Projection Globe Interactive Exhibit within the Main Exhibition Building is a favourite among Esplora visitors; the young and the young at heart.

Come visit and give it a try.


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